Where To Find South Stone And South Stone Dust In Far Cry Primal

South Stone and South Stone Dust is needed for you to improve most of your weapons in Far Cry Primal. Finding some South Stone is easy, but finding enough for all your upgrades is tough. Check out this guide to find out Where To Find South Stone And South Stone Dust In Far Cry Primal!
This lake on the map is the sweet spot for South Stone and South Stone Dust.
If you go around the shore of the lake you will find a lot of South Stone Dust and some South Stone in the lake. Use your Hunter Vision to help you locate the rocks in the lake. Having the Show Resources ability in the Gathering Skill tree will help you find the rocks as well. If you need more South Stone, search the hills around the lake for some extra. If you are swimming in the Lake be careful, there are Alligators and Bite Fish swimming around as well. Again, Hunting Vision will help you spot these predators before you jump in.

Now before you just start trucking down to the lake be warned, there are some stronger level beasts in the area. I had my Saber Tooth before I went down there. Taking the base isn’t simple either at low-level. They will sound the alarm that will add about 10 extra guys if you get caught. Play it smart, stealth shots with the bow and only use quiet pets like the Jaguar. You don’t HAVE to take this base if it is too much for you, it just helps because you can fast travel there.

Where To Find Rare South Stone In Far Cry Primal

Rare South Stones and Rare South Stone Dust isn’t actually its own rock or anything. When you are loot the rocks sometimes you get lucky and get a rare one. This applies for all crafting materials that aren’t skins. Animals skins are obviously specific to that beast. If you search enough rocks, you will get Rare South Rock and Rare South Rock Dust in no time.